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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Don't get burned by sunburn

Natural Sunburn Remedies

Ahhh…..the wind through my hair, the sand on my toes, the FIRE ON MY BACK
If you are anything like me, you love the whole fun and sun bit and enjoy spending a substantial amount of summer outdoors. After an afternoon of pool swimming and frozen daquaris you might find yourself with the dreaded SUNBURN! Now, before you slather yourself with store-bought chemical laden potions, take a deep breath and scan your kitchen cabinets for three surprisingly effective items that can be used to help ease sunburn symptoms. These ingredients are all natural, and adhere to my rule of “If you can’t eat it, don’t feed it to your skin.”

The HOT potato:
Potatoes may be used as a pain reliever to lessen the stinging sensation of the skin.
Follow these simple steps:
  • Wash two potatoes.
  • Cut into small chunks.
  • Place in a blender.
  • Blend until the potatoes are in liquid form.
  • Using a cotton ball, apply to the stinging area.
  • Make the word “couch potato” literal and go ahead and finish that chapter of 50 Shades of Grey (if you’re into that kind of thing) until the liquid dries. 
  • Take a cool shower, and enjoy the sensation of skin that doesn’t scream. 

The aMAIZEing corn remedy:
Another natural remedy that I like to use to alleviate the sizzle is good ole’ cornstarch.
  • Sprinkle a little on a sunburn.
  •  It will prevent the chaffing that can happen with bad burns.

A Native American remedy for scorched skin is Aloe juice. Always keep these gentle plants in your kitchen window. They are easy to care for and have numerous medicinal uses.
  • Snap off a few stems of the aloe plant.
  • Place in a blender or smash stems with a mortar and pestle.
  • Use a cotton ball or your fingers to slather the gel onto the burned areas.
  • Let dry, there is no need to wash off.

Most importantly: be sure to keep hydrated after a sunburn. Drink plenty of water and keep your skin moisturized. Olive oil used like a lotion will help your skin return to it‘s healthy glow. 
And there you have it! Three products that are safe, natural, and effective. Leave the sizzle for the veggie burgers! Take care of your skin this summer.

***disclaimer: remember these home remedies are not meant to take the place of doctor care. If your skin is coming off in 6 inch chunks, is causing your house to fill with smoke, or is the color of an old boot, a trip to Dr. Smith may be in order. 
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